Anyway, Rock im Park is going to kick so much ass. That goes without saying. But before that happens, I have a million other things to do and see. Last Saturday, I went with Charley and Claire to Augsburg on a poorly organised MESA day trip. MESA are very helpful and full of ideas, but they absolutely suck at organising shit. Their Berlin trip was a glorified piss-up, which usually suits me down to the ground, but being dragged to the wall directly after six hours on a bus wouldn't have been my idea of fun. Speaking of Berlin, I'm heading there the first weekend in July for a weekend of metal clubs (fingers crossed!), shopping, sightseeing, and, of course, drinking. Everything I do has a rock 'n' roll edge. Or so I've been told. Usually I'm just doing whatever I feel like at the time!
Augsburg was an amazing place. It's one of the oldest towns in Bavaria, and really really beautiful and traditional as a result. The weather was gorgeous. We walked around for hours on a tour of the town and then relaxed afterwards in a beer garden with some traditional Bavarian food and big pints of Radler's (which is the only beer I can stomach). Having said all of that, I was glad to return to the noise and excitement of Munich. I'd hate to be on Erasmus in some quiet place with nothing to do. I definitely belong in the city, wherever that city may be.
We got home pretty late and I didn't have long to get ready before we headed out. My computer has had a virus for the past fortnight, so I wasn't able to read emails or anything like that. The emo tried to help me fix it, and eventually did the other day thankfully. I don't know what I'd do without him sometimes. Anyway, I was looking forward to getting out of my room and my broken computer so that I could forget about it for a bit. We went to an international party, in the Landestag. It was fairly exclusive and secret, but of course once we got in we realised that it was just another glorified basement. The decorations included Disney princesses on the walls, paper corsages on columns and a big Spongebob poster on the door, that proclaimed "The Party Is Here!!". We instantly knew we were in for a good night. Oh, and the drinks were free.
So, we stocked up and hit the dance floor. Charley and the other Brits left pretty early, so Saz and I hung out with a few of our favourite lads all night. My Swede was drunk and, as a result, very happy to see me. He's so beautiful, I could just stare at him all the time.. I wish he weren't taken, but he's really good fun regardless. Marcus, our new Dutch bud from uni, was there too. He was happier than I've ever seen him before, and yelled out "Woooooo!" every few minutes. And then there was Josh, who we partied with at the last Stammtisch (weekly party that either rules or sucks), who was even drunker than me and, as a result, pulled me towards the end of the night. I don't usually hook up with friends, but seeing as we were both hammered and it meant nothing, I'm not really going to count it. It was fun though. Although Erasmus is kind of incestuous. Marina hooked up with him before, after all. Speaking of her, it sucked she wasn't there. But, then again, things are kind of weird between her and Gill right now. I'm just glad she didn't go to the Candy Club (Munich's best gay bar) without me.
My time over here seems to be flying by all of a sudden. The weeks are just disappearing. And the weekends are filling up quicker than I thought possible. This weekend, a group of us are heading to Prague. Next weekend, I think Dylan might be coming to visit. If not, it'll be the weekend after that. The first weekend in June is Rock im Park. The weekend after, I'm heading to Vienna to visit Tar. The weekend after that, Niamh is coming to visit. If not that weekend, the one after. The first weekend in July, we're heading to Berlin. And then there will only be two left before we head home! Oh, and my mother and sister are coming to visit at some stage too. Although I still have no idea when. Or what the hell I'll do with them when they get here.
I can't decide whether or not to go to Metallica the day after I get home. The gig last summer was fucking amazing, and I'd love to see them again, but the tickets are expensive and the support bands aren't the best. Of course, if Slipknot or Korn were to replace Lamb of God (who pulled out the other day) I would be there in a second, even though I'm seeing them both at RIP. Shit, I'm soooo excited about RIP... It's going to be AMAZING!! I love festivals. Download the past two years has been awesome, but this summer is kicking last year's ass big time already, and the festival will be no exception. When I first heard that I'd be on Erasmus during my summer hols, it pissed me off, but now I think it's awesome! I'd hate to be heading home already. Munich feels like home. I just found out that Rammstein are playing the Olympiahalle here in November. I would LOVE to come back for that gig, even just for one night. I already can't imagine leaving this place...I love it so much...
The emo sent me another package, which I received yesterday. I nearly screamed when I found a copy of Kerrang! inside. As a music magazine, it's fairly lacking, but the writing is still pretty good. There was a great Cristina Scabbia interview in it that I just loved. The journalist set the scene so well, but not in that annoying self-involved kind of way that certain others do. I read it twice, I loved it so much. And she's so beautiful. If I could be anyone, I'd be her. And she's so down to earth and intelligent and natural. And she's going out with Jim Root! As somebody who tends to fall for the freaks, I can totally relate to her choice of man (although he is very handsome). The emo also sent some chocolate and a few episodes of my favourite silly MTV reality show, which was very very sweet of him. Best of all, posters of Kaya Scodelario, Vikki Blows and Kat Von D. Mmm... The emo is the sweetest guy I've ever met. And yet he still has enough of an edge for me. I just hope I don't end up disappointing him...
I should get some writing done before uni.
Here's a pic of Jim and Cristina that I think is adorable. Enjoy.

Song of the day: Slipknot - Prelude 3.0.
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