The week just gone was so hectic that I'm going to have to break it down into days. Yup, I am that cool.
Monday: My first exam, documentary studies. Not only was it ridiculously difficult, but I had to finish it in less than two hours just so I could catch the bus to work on time. Not fun. I don't even want to think about it, but I will stick a question from it in here to show how dreadful it was:
Q: Evaluate the implications for contemporary documentary makers of Rosen's assertion that 'in a universe of constructed simulations, there is no impossible standard for judging the epistemological adequacy of sign to object'.
I didn't do that one, thank fuck, but it was still bad!
Tuesday: I studied all day long until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. And then I fell asleep at 11PM, woke up at 1AM and couldn't get back to sleep. The emo had no credit. It sucked.
Wednesday: I had two german exams, the first was cultural studies and the second was literature. Both were horrible, but I managed to write down a load of rubbish anyway. It didn't matter either way, Saz and I were going to see Mindless Self Indulgence that night and I could barely focus my mind on anything else all day! I bought the two tickets months ago and we've been counting down to it ever since. We got dressed up in our miniskirts and Converse and practically skipped to The Academy. Of course, once we reached it we got a cold, hard dose of reality. It was an over-14s gig, and the crowd was predictably spotty, slutty, loud, rude and very, very young. We blended right in, given how short and young we look (although our sobriety was obvious among the falling over and vomiting).
The first band we saw were Dir En Grey, possibly the worst thing we have ever heard! The entire set comprised of growling and wailing. I love metal, but that shit was just noise! Next up were Bring Me The Horizon. By the time they came onstage, we'd already located the only other over-15 people in the place and were having a great laugh at everyone else. I was then hit on by a 15-year-old with dirty blonde hair stuck to his sweaty face, whose pick-up line involved telling me how much MSI suck (well done, kid). It was fantastically funny. And then MSI came onstage in all their fantastically crazy glory...and they opened with Shut Me Up and we forgot our age and jumped about like the little 15-year-olds we are inside. We were wonderfully sweaty by the end of it. They closed with Straight To Video and we could hardly believe it was over so soon. We have new respect for Jimmy Urine, who announced to everyone that his new name is Miley Cyrus. MSI are one of my favourite bands and one of the best I've ever seen live. People either love them or hate them, but I definitely know what side I'm on. One of the best parts of the night was looking to my right and seeing Saz jumping about happily, smiling bigger than I've seen her in a long time.
Thursday: I was exhausted after the gig, but I had to get up at 8AM so that I'd get enough study in before I had to head out for Scooby's 21st. I managed to, through some miracle, and I was very glad when I reached the bar and could start drinking. The night began well. We had a big crowd and Scooby was in great form. Unfortunately, everything kind of went to shit after a while. For one thing, Star was there and decided to drunkenly corner me and demand to hang out with me, even though I'd explained to her earlier in the week that I needed some time. She looked unbelievably sexy, though, and I kind of forgot what I'd said before after a few minutes with her (she's like a drug, it's ridiculous). She was all over me on the dancefloor, and I was too drunk to know any better. So there was lots of making out and groping and me being pushed against a wall. We drank more and more and more. One of my guy buds was behaving weirdly with me, and he and Star ended up all over each other on the dancefloor at one stage, which did not impress me in the slightest. Then Scooby's bag got robbed, with her brand new earrings in it, not to mention all of her other stuff. In the midst of all the drama of the robbery, Star pulled me aside and demanded we sort shit out. I told her repeatedly it wasn't the time, and she got very, very angry. We left things badly. It wasn't a good night.
Friday: I woke up sick, with In Rainbows on my stereo and a million text messages on my phone. I discovered I'd told the emo I was in love with him while wasted. Luckily, as always, he saw the funny side. I dragged myself out of bed, and was shocked to find that I looked even paler than usual. I put on my girly miniskirt and top, and my new Boosh hoodie and traipsed off, half feeling grunge and pretty, half ill. It was raining. I kept my hood up. I gave Saz all the juicy details on the walk up to college, interespersed with screams of "MSI were soooo AMAZING!!" We crammed a bit before our Globalisation exam, knowing deep down that it wouldn't do any good. The lecturer's exams are notoriously impossible. I had a big bottle of chocolate Yazoo, so I wasn't too bad. And the exam was okay in the end, surprisingly enough. Afterwards, we went shopping and I bought a new dress (that Scooby had on the night before), and then we had hot chocolate. I legged it home and got ready for Scooby's birthday dinner. It was in a fantastic Mexican restaurant. Her friends were lovely. Whenever she went to the bathroom, we excitedly discussed the surprise party the night after, that we'd all been planning in conjunction with her mother for weeks. Halfway through the meal, her sister got a call to say that Scooby's bag had been found. Her mp3 player, phone and camera were gone but her wallet and earrings were in it. It was fantastic news, and really made the night.
Saturday: I got up early for work, which I was dreading because I knew I'd be too excited about the surprise party to concentrate on anything. Luckily, the shift flew by and I was working with some of the most fun women in the shop, which was awesome! I legged it home afterwards to get ready. Saz arrived at 6 and the lads turned up shortly after. We sat in my room and had some pre-drinks before we left. I hadn't seen the emo in what seemed like forever, but for some reason I was nervous around him and we barely even hugged! The car ride to Kilcoole was great fun. We blasted the music, knocked back drinks and chatted excitedly about how surprised Scooby was going to be. Of course, she was. The look on her face was worth the trip over and her parents were so nice. Everybody had the best night, even though the music was cheesy as fuck. The emo and I legged it to a Chinese place at one stage and ended up eating chips in an alleyway. I know that sounds terribly knacker, but I prefer real moments like that because they feel much more romantic to me. Like when he cooked me dinner, which was so simple and relaxed that it was quite romantic (not to mention excellent foreplay). Anyway, it was lovely. And the party was fantastic. I love her so much, and I almost cried when I saw the look on her face when she walked in. We headed back to my place and had tea before the lads had to crawl back to Bray. The emo wanted to stay, but Saz and I were in the mood for a good gossip and sent him packing!
Sunday: And that brings me to today, which was boring as hell. I took my sis to see Twilight to celebrate her awesome exam results. I still hate Robert Pattinson! I miss everyone and now that I'm done with exams, I have time to write, hang out, go drinking, plan my 21st, prepare for Germany, etc, etc. I feel quite strange. I'm scared and excited to leave at the same time. There's so much to do. And this was probably boring. I'll shut up now.
Just Dance - Lady Gaga (catchy as fuck)
My Favorite Music of 2019
5 years ago
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