The three of us got the bus down there together, despite the fact that the news that day was filled with reports of insane flooding in the area. It took almost four hours to get down there, and the lads bickered quietly most of the way. However, since they're both gentlemen, the fighting was sneaky. Words were exchanged, eyes were rolled, shit was muttered while gazes were averted out the window. It was a slightly uncomfortable trip, especially seeing as I was stuck in the middle of the two of them, desperately trying to lighten the mood. At one point I remember saying "Hey! You both like the IT Crowd!" and they momentarily bonded. Momentarily being the operative word...
We eventually arrived and were welcomed into Dill's ridiculously big house by his ridiculously nice parents. And then we watched the news with them and collectively grumbled about the floods. At some point, I was given a bottle of Merlot all to myself and the emo cracked into his shoulder of Jack. Drinking in front of parents always freaks me out. And the fact that four dogs were running around on top of me at the time didn't really help (one of 'em was a teeny terrier, who ran in circles in my lap). The others arrived late from Dublin, of whom I only knew O and a dude I recognised from one of Dill's plays (I called him the Plagiarism Fairy all night once I figured out his character) but everybody started to relax during dinner (or maybe that was just the wine talking).
At some point or another, it was decided that it was time to leave for the pub. Early enough, probably around 9. So, I nervously got into my brand new dress, which I'd bought especially for the night (don't judge me) at a price much higher than I'd admit. I fell in love with it at first sight, although I'll admit I was very apprehensive about buying it. It was black, short, tight, backless and had a big bow at the back and looked a little something like this...

It was far sexier than I'd thought in the shop, but wearing Docs with it made me feel a bit less over the top. I don't usually wear tight clothing, to be honest. I'm still not entirely comfortable in my own skin, and I tend to hide the top of my body, while emphasising my legs. I'm a long, baggy T-shirt/short dress kinda girl. I always hide something. But there was no hiding in that dress. I showed Dill and his jaw dropped. Literally. That made me even more nervous, so I had a bit more wine before we had to leave.
Anyway, the pub was lovely and there were embarrassing photos of Dill everywhere, which was a nice touch. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't an old man pub as I'd expected. It was sort of young and cool. The emo was ecstatic to discover a round for the two of us cost less than a tenner and he wasted no time in getting wrecked and chatting to everyone (which I was very glad of, seeing as I'd been worried he was going to be nervous and not talk to anyone).
I mingled a lot too, but strangely enough ended up spending a lot of the night with O. The emo asked why we didn't used to be friends, and it sounded bizarre when I said it out loud, but the truth of it was that she was told I hated her and I was told she hated me. That was it, really. People love to start rumours and cause shit. I'll never understand why. Either way, we're buds now so none of that matters anymore.
We attacked the food - delicious and made by Dill's lovely mother - at one stage, in particular a basket of chicken wings. It was fun being around a chick who actually eats and doesn't care. And there's something oddly fun about stuffing one's face while dressed up to the nines. We found more food later on and ate that too! She also surprised me by being frank about shit I didn't think she'd want to discuss, and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that she's not as easily fooled as I once thought. She may just have restored my faith in humanity, although she probably doesn't know that. Without being too sentimental, I'm very glad to have got a chance to explain myself and make amends for my shitty behaviour in the past, and I think we found a common ground. Finally.
The obligatory 21 kisses bit didn't sit well with the emo, and he stormed off outside for the duration of it, which was funny because I didn't end up giving Dill a kiss at all. His mother got in there first! The pub closed alarmingly early and we were all fecked outside to wait for taxis, which in Clonmel are unmarked (slightly creepy, but at least directions to someone's house just involve giving the family name...). I started a fight with a hipster guy for no apparent reason, despite the fact I wasn't that drunk, but we'd made up by the time we reached the house. The emo had to get in the taxi behind me and was none too pleased, but I told him the Plagiarism Fairy would take care of him, and he did.
Back at the house, I started tearing into a giant bottle of vodka while Dill confessed his undying love for me, people picked on a guy that'd passed out and others sang random songs dreadfully out of tune. At some point, probably quite late, Calvin Harris was stuck on, and me and an American-Irish chick got up and gave it loads to it. I don't really know why, because I still didn't manage to get that hammered, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
People started filtering off to bed at around 6.30AM. After a mix-up of bedrooms, the emo and I had some sort of ridiculous drunken fight over nothing, and I ended up crawling into bed with Dill and two other chicks. Just when I was drifting off, the emo appeared again and freaked that not only was I in bed with Dill, but I was wearing his T-shirt. I tried to calm him down, but to no avail. He announced he was leaving, even though he was told he'd be killed out on the country roads when it was so dark. He re-appeared a bit later on and the two other chicks fucked off so that he and Dill could have a huge drunken argument about who cared more about me...or something. It went on till 8.30AM and then the three of us, plus one of the girls from before, passed out in Dill's bed.
Everything was miraculously fine in the morning, thank fuck.
The emo and I caught the bus back to Dublin around 2.30PM, but he was ridiculously hungover and we had to pull over about twenty minutes outside of Clonmel so he could throw up (although he didn't end up actually vomiting, thankfully). The bus driver was really nice about it and we slept most of the way back after that. Of course, on the bus to his house, he started feeling sick again and we got off in the dreadful rain and wind and cold so that he could throw up. Except he didn't. Again.
When we eventually reached his house, we collapsed in bed and took an hour long nap before we could manage anything else (yup, getting old). We ended up staying in, eating pizza and watching Sorority Row (which he'd downloaded for me ages ago) and An Evening With Kevin Smith 3. We fell asleep around 2AM. Really, we're that exciting a couple. There was no energy for sex until the next morning. And then I headed home to refuel and freshen up before heading back out to his place that night to watch wrestling, drink beer and play video games with he and his best bud, Fionn. It was a great night and I didn't mind paying for it the next day in my awful German lecture.
Of course, even though the weekend kicked some major ass, I'm still recovering from it now, which leads me to believe that I'm getting on a bit... I didn't get to see New Moon last weekend, obviously, cos I was exhausted and broke, but the emo promises we'll get nagins and see it this weekend so I'm really looking forward to that. I know it'll probably be shit, but Kristen Stewart is delish and totally worth sitting through it for. Besides, the emo will keep me entertained. We can do our own Rifftrax!
And now it's time to reward all of my hard work on my media law essay with some Mega64... Ah,bliss...
Song of the day: Feeder - We Can't Rewind.
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