I don't know if you can copyright 'HOPE'. I should know, because it forms the basis of my massively important media law assignment, but I'm not really not sure yet. I've been trawling through media law books, but I've yet to properly form an opinion. So far, I don't think that the image on the right is violating the copyright of the original (on the left). But I could be wrong. We'll see. Copyright isn't so complicated, and media law itself is turning out to be quite a nice little lecture. I thought it was going to be near-impossible but so far I'm really liking it.
As for everything else in college, the workload is really piling up but I have yet to self-destruct. Success! I got my dissertation proposal in on time, despite the fact the internet in my house was fucked for the best part of a week. The German magazine is going well, and Saz is kicking ass as the editor. My articles are a bit silly and light, but I'm pretty happy with them anyway. As for radio, I went out last weekend (not the one just gone by) to a pretty awesome tattoo convention and not only met lots of cool people and saw many, many great tatts, but I got a shitload of great stuff for my project. I was very nervous approaching people at first, but the emo was there to support me and eventually I got the hang of it.
Speaking of the emo, our lovely little relationship is going very well so far. We've been together a full two weeks and two days (I'm not counting, but he is) and already we've survived a bout of swine flu together, so I'm beginning to think we can survive pretty much anything that's thrown at us. I thought that being tied down to somebody again was going to feel claustrophobic and constricting and horrible, but I actually don't feel that much different. We get along really well, the sex is great, we never run out of stuff to say to each other, we have enough shared interests that we understand each other but also enough differences that it doesn't get boring....so far it's been awesome! It's the relationship I've always wanted, and always thought I deserved, but never seemed to get. It's taken over a year to rebuild my life and myself, but the black cloud has finally lifted. Actually, I think it lifted ages ago. But now I really, really feel it.
My new obsession is Mega64, which of course my brother and the emo have been into for aaaages but didn't think I'd get because I'm a girl. Pricks. It's fucking awesome, and one of them is totally hot (not that that matters). I think I'll post one of their vids here so everybody can see how funny they are! Not that many people read this... Anyway, they're hilarious. And their podcast is fantastic (the hot one is in it). So yeah. They rock. I love them. If I ever met them, I wouldn't know what to say because they are so cool!!!
I was sitting on the bus home today, reading GCN (which is Gay Community News, this awesome free magazine that one of my favourite journos, Declan Cashin, writes for) and the woman sitting next to me kept tutting and looking generally disgusted. What was funny was that I was reading an article about all of the homophobia that came out after Stephen Gately's death (in particular Jan Noir's article). This country is still so fucking backwards. Although a lot of people, both straight and gay, don't think I have any right to speak on the subject because I'm bisexual and bisexuality doesn't exist. I wish I could tell that to the eleven-year-old me who fancied a chick and got bullied mercilessly over it.
I'm heading to the country this weekend for one of my best friends in the world's 21st birthday, which should be a laugh. I'm undecided about what to wear. I'm very, very nervous to meet lots of new people who will probably think I'm a loon, but I'm also very excited to be able to drink again now that I am finally off antibiotics! Woo!
Shit, my life is so boring...
Em... I've been writing as much as I possibly can, seeing as it's one of the only things that keeps me sane. It's going well, although I'm worried that my characters don't feel real enough. I suppose that's a worry most writers have at some point or another. But it's going really well anyway. I'm starting to wonder if I'll be being paid for this in ten years' time. Here's hoping!
People are talking a lot about Jedward at the moment. I don't watch The X Factor so I don't know why they're worth discussing really, but I looked up their performances and it's funny how shit they are. People have also been discussing Pat Kenny getting heckled by some loon in the crowd on Frontline the other night. It was funny, but also very uncomfortable. Never before have I heard the word "pontificating" used so much in the one speech!
I wish I had more money to buy new clothes and get more tattoos. I got this great leather jacket the other week, I fucking love it. My sister went mental though, cos she wanted the same one and now she can't get it. But since she went to that anime con, I've lost a lot of respect for her. That and she fucking WORSHIPS Tokio Hotel. My hair is still blue for some unknown reason, which means I look even crazier, and a lot of my clothes don't really go with it. I'm kind of getting used to it, though, and I'm a bit sick of the blonde so it may be time for a change. Oooh...ominous...
Okay, enough shit. Time to get back to work. Or watch more Mega64 vids...
Song of the day: The Aquabats - Sequence Erase (this song gets me smiling no matter what mood I'm in).
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