Most people won't get that title...oh well, I'll continue on regardless. So I found out on Monday, en route to college, that the emo had swine flu, and seeing as we'd spent most of the weekend making out and groping each other, the chances were I had it too. After getting an earful from my mother (sample: "HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!? I'LL KILL HIM! WE'RE ALL GONNA GET IT NOW!") she rushed me to the doctor, who confirmed, after complimenting me on my blue hair - urgh, wash out already - that I did indeed have it. Oh, she also gave me antibiotics for my gum infection. Score!
So, as a result of said diagnosis, I have been quarantined in my bedroom for the past three days. Now, most people enjoy being ill and getting time off work/college/whatever. Not me. Having time off may have been fun in primary school, it may even have been fun in secondary school, but in college, especially final year, it's not fun at all. Why? Because one still has work to do, shit to hand in and e-mails to send explaining the fact that one is stuck in bed with swine flu and will return to class when one can stand and is not infectious.
When I first heard about swine flu, I was terrified I'd get it and die. Why, I don't know, because only people who are already ill, anorexic or very, very old die from it. Now that I have it, I'm not that scared anymore. But that's probably because I've lost the will to feel. Or live. Not only does swine flu include symptoms such as headaches, nausea, vomiting, aches and pains, dizziness, loss of appetite, stuffy nose and coughing, the result of all of these things is that all one can do is lay there till it passes. Which takes a week. I should be enjoying missing college and laying in bed all day, right? I suppose. If only I could walk up and down the stairs. Or eat. Or stop coughing for five minutes. My mother offers very little sympathy, mostly because she's afraid of catching it herself (she heard Fionn and his mother both have it and nearly passed out) but she does bring me dinner in bed. Not that I can eat dinner. The whole thing is like a massive catch-22. Grr...
So, besides doing college work (which I began today, seeing as it was the first day I could sit up for an extended period of time), I've mostly been filling my time with bad TV and a multitude of podcasts, mostly of the Kevin Smith Smodcast variety and the excellent Mega 64 (which is where the title of this blog comes from). Mega 64 is something the emo introduced me to, and at first I thought I wouldn't really get it because of all of the video game references, but it's genius and I absolutely love it. In fact, it's the only thing keeping me sane. Watching hours and hours of four lads sitting around talking bullshit in a fake campfire set or crazy YouTube vids they've made about...well...nothing, really. It's awesome! Seriously, these guys are really fucking funny.
I also watched the episode of Sabrina where she had the finger flu. It was good. Even better when I could FEEL her PAIN.
Seriously though, swu ain't so bad. I mean, it is and I'm dying with it, but it's not so bad. I hate missing college and exercise and being stuck here alone with nothing to do. But surprisingly, I've found out how many people are willing to keep me company in such dire situations (turns out, a lot of people). Noodles dropped by earlier with the complete Father Ted boxset, which pretty much makes him a saint in my eyes. If the emo weren't ill too, I'd have him bring over the entire Mega 64 back catalogue and I'd be set! But sadly he is sick, which is kinda cool because this way somebody else knows what I'm going through. Although, I have to admit, he seems to be getting it a lot worse than me. Probably because he's so skinny.
I'm sleeping with a load of pills next to my bed, I feel like a junkie, or Heath Ledger right before he died...may he rest. I hope this gum thing clears up. It kills!!
Fuck, my tattoo itches like crazy... My mother still hasn't noticed it, which is impressive seeing as it's on my wrist. Thank fuck for long sleeves!
Song of the day: Disturbed - Down with the sickness (couldn't resist giving it a listen earlier).
My Favorite Music of 2019
5 years ago
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