Okay, this week was great for a number of reasons. I received a huge package from the emo in my tiny letterbox early in the week, stuffed with 18 postes, a Skype microphone (scary technology, that - but great too!) and a love letter of sorts. Well, not really because nothing that comes from the emo is ever really traditional, boring or even plain normal. Anyway, the letter was so heartfelt that I felt tears rolling down my cheeks when I was only a page into reading it! I felt quite emo, even a little over-emotional, but something he said about seeing the good person in me really touched my heart, and the tears just started to flow. The posters were great too, because I finally got to decorate my boring, white walls. Saz was a bit freaked out by them, though, especially one in particular of a Ken doll posing seductively in a pile of brussel sprouts... But whatever, I love them. And they really brighten this place up too! I still feel really spoilt by all of these sweet little things he does for me... Charlotte has her boyfriend driven mad with stories of how many nice things the emo is doing for me, when we're not even properly together.
Poor guy!
The language course is still going well...presentations next week though...bleh!
On Friday we went to Dachau, which was the site of a concentration camp during Hitler's reign. I was really dreading going, because I don't really deal well with stuff like that. I almost fainted about a hundred times during the tour, but it was still really interesting. We barely spoke amongst ourselves for the entire time we were there, which was about three hours, but I suppose it's better to be informed than otherwise. German history is so fascinating, and even when I think I've heard it all, I'm surprised by another side of it.

Dachau was, admittedly, a bit of a downer, but on Saturday me, Saz and Charlotte went shopping in Marienplatz (kind of like Grafton Street and Oxford Street mixed together, and bigger). The weather was sunny, which was a nice change from all of the snow and rain we've had over here so far. I wasn't intending on buying anything, but we found a fairly upmarket hair product shop, and I managed to get bleach cream, powder, a brush and a mixing bowl for twelve Euro, which seems ridiculous compared to how much I pay to have my hair done at home! I was terrified to do it myself (because bleach is notorious for making hair fall out upon contact), and Saz had to help me do the back, but in the end it actually turned out really well (although it is seriously WHITE!!).

We couldn't go out this weekend because we had to get up early this morning to go on an excursion to a castle in the Alps, called Neuschwanstein, where King Ludwig II once lived. It took us two hours to get there and it was fucking freezing. The walk up to it was really nice, the views were amazing, but the only food on offer was traditional Bavarian cuisine which isn't really to my taste... The castle itself was fairly gaudy and tacky on the inside, but I suppose it was still good to see it. And we got some nice photos. We were exhausted though, and only got home around seven this evening. I'm glad that was the last of these trips, I don't have the energy for them anymore!

I should really be working on this presentation...
Song of the day: Slipknot - Psychosocial (got me really, really hyped up for Rock am Ring!!).
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