Okay, even though it took us one hell of a trip to get here, there is no doubt in my mind, looking around at my room, and my flat in general, that I will make it my home. My bedroom needs photos, posters and Joey touches galore, but I know it'll get there eventually. I got a plaque for my door yesterday that I'm really excited about; it has a picture of this evil cat thing on it with crosses for eyes and it reads "Welcome To Hell". It's really silly, but I love it. I think it fits.
I was terrified when I first arrived here, and a part of me still is. But I know that this experience is going to change my life, and who I am, forever and the best thing I can do is embrace it. My mother got me a card before I left. I only read it on the plane, so as not to embarrass her, but I was sorry I couldn't ask her more about it in the end. It said: "Be true to yourself. You'll know when you get there - trust me on this. Love, Mam". I think I kind of get what she's hinting at, but I'm not sure. I suppose it'll become clearer over time.
So, I'm living in my very own flat now, with five boys from all around the world. We share two bathrooms, two showers and a kitchen. The space itself is quite big and bright, but they're kind of filthy too, which I'm not really used to! The fact that I'm the only girl makes me more comfortable, though, as opposed to filling me with dread. I've always got along better with males, and besides, now the only person hogging the bathroom is me (not really, I'm still not that girly)! They're all really sound though. One of them, his name is Rudi, is absolutely MENTAL. He's into electronic and trance and shit. Last night, he invited us all to a kitchen rave in some lad's flat upstairs in my building. It was incredibly surreal. One of those moments when I find myself looking around and thinking "What the fuck?! This is my life now?!". In a good way, of course.

We went out on Friday night for this Brazilian lad's 21st, to this club in the city centre. A lot of people ended up not getting in, so it turned out just being me, Saz, our new Brit bud Charlotte, a French chick called Sophie (who is tiny and adorable!), our Brazilian friend Marina (who I have a tiny crush on) and the two Irish lads who came with us from college. But it was a fucking fantastic night! The music was ridiculously bad, everything from German hip hop to the Backstreet Boys! We somehow managed to dance the night away till half four (when the U-Bahn, or Underground, starts) even though we were all exhausted.

And there are photos of us tearing it up on some German website somewhere, which is hilarious! It was so bizarre sitting in the Underground station at 5AM waiting for the train. Looking around me, I knew it was going to suck getting the fucking Nitelink again when I eventually have to head home. The transport system over here is just incredible, I dunno how I'm ever going to settle into the shitty Dublin excuse for it again. We live twenty minutes from uni and are quite central, too. Saz is in her element, I don't know how she'll ever sit on a bus for 90 minutes to college again...

We really need to find some metal clubs soon, though, because I don't think I could do pop or electronic every single weekend. We haven't got enough of a chance to explore yet, because the weather has been freezing cold, wet and even snowy at times (although Saz and I trekked out to BK last night for dinner - the weirdest one I have ever been to in my life). The city is pretty fucking cool, though, from what we've seen so far. We don't start college at LMU until April, but we're doing an intensive German language course at the moment and it's really good fun. We have to do lots of roll-playing games ("Not the good kind" I quipped) and shit, and what we're learning has been really helpful so far. The university itself is amazing. It's huge and filled with history (the Weisse Rose resistance group worked out of there). It makes my uni look tiny! We've met so many interesting, awesome people too. It's awesome! And everything is so cheap, especially compared to Dublin. We do a week's grocery shopping for a tenner. I can see myself living off nothing, though, because we still have to pay rent and shit, but even so, this place kicks ass! I can't imagine leaving here and heading back to Dublin. I don't miss it per se. I miss my room and the life I had with all of my friends, but at the same time, this is my new life and I love it. It's nice to be away from the bullshit and so-called "drama" that seems to follow certain people around though. It's a huge relief. I do miss certain people, of course... I don't want to get all mushy or anything, but I miss the emo quite a bit. He sprayed one of my desert scarves with his deo before I left, so everything that was in my suitcase smells like him now, which is awesome because I'm missing having him wrapped around me in bed more than I care to admit. He and Star are the best sex I've ever had, too, which makes it even more difficult to be away from them (although it's slightly easier to be away from her because of how she behaved at my going away party). That sounded awful, I know. And it's only been a week! Still, life is for living as I always say. Anyway, we've only been here a week, and I wish we could go a month into the future when we'll have everything more figured out, but until then I take comfort in the knowledge that Munich kicks major ass and we will have made it ours by the end of this!
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