All right, so Saz and I discussed it and decided to tear up one of our fave bars for the last time as a going away thing, so that everybody we love could be there and, more importantly, get hammered on the cheap. Noodles and I did pre-drinks beforehand as per tradition, and although it was kind of bittersweet, I was really glad of it because the night that followed required me to be very, very drunk. Firstly, I hooked up with two lads to begin with, one of them was Dylan and the other a mate who I occasionally make out with for no apparent reason (lovingly known as Sticky). However, while I was mid-kiss with Dylan, I opened my eyes to meet the emo's gaze, as he was sitting only a few feet away, and all hell broke loose as a result. He flipped and stormed off, leaving poor Noodles to calm him down as always. Of course, Noodles had a few drinks on him by that stage and actually ended up shouting at him for quite a while. Anyway, it seemed to do the trick. He got over it, and the two of them FINALLY ended up bonding!!

I was in a pretty good mood. I had new, blue zebra-print shorts on that I got in Camden, the emo was dealing with me better than ever before, and everybody was kind of getting along. Kind of. And then somebody showed up who, to be honest, I never should've invited in the first place. After the way he treated me at his 21st, I should've sent him a big FUCK YOU message, but I took the high road. Man was I a dumbass. He turned up, swaggered over to me and fed me some bullshit line that I chose to ignore. I responded by telling him Star was upstairs. He told me he was there for me, a blatant lie. I can forgive a lot of things, but not lying. Those who lie have no place in my life. Anyway, this particular guy was quite good to me when I was on a downward spiral at the start of last summer and I foolishly believed there was more to him than what most people see. I was wrong. He's been after Star for a while, as I've previously stated and, of course, he spent the rest of the night humping her on the dancefloor, while she happily reciprocated. Bastards. If he weren't a supposed friend of mine, I wouldn't give a shit. But he is, and she knows that. I'll never forget the feeling in the pit of my stomach on that dancefloor. However, I managed to get even drunker and when the emo whipped out a permanent marker, we all had a fantastic time writing shit all over each other.

So I began to cheer up and not give a shit. After all, Star had threatened me that this would happen if I didn't treat the emo like dirt the way she does. So I thought, fuck it! The music was fantastic, the company was great (minus him, of course) and I FINALLY convinced the DJ to play some Radiohead for me. Luckily, he didn't turn up in the middle of it and ruin it by pretending everything was okay. I probably sound like a jealous bitch. I'm not. She can be with whoever she likes, it just felt like a fucking betrayal on both of their parts. And doing it in front of me just isn't on. Having said all of that, I shouldn't have expected anything less from him. No surprises.
Anyway anyway anyway, we were all drunk off our heads, running around the place drawing on each other, getting fucked up in the beer garden, picking fights with metalheads, etc, etc. It was towards the end of the night, I was on the dancefloor with a few people. One of them, a guy I've known for years, was particularly hammered and kept pushing me. I thought nothing of it. That is, until he grabbed me and started hooking up with me... It was quite random and came out of nowhere, but I wasn't exactly thinking straight at the time, and so, I went for it. Afterwards I was filled with regret, and Noodles was incredibly pissed off at me. It was at this point that we all spilled out into the street and Star informed me that the emo had yelled at her and called her a cunt. "That's because you are behaving like a fucking cunt" I replied simply, moving away from her as I did so. Noodles and the emo were sitting at the bus stop on O'Connell street, waiting for me. Everybody else sat upstairs besides the two of them, me and Scooby. I sat with my head against the window and listened to Radiohead the entire way home. Kind of pathetic, really, but I needed it. In retrospect, it was a fucking awesome night, and I sorted stuff with the bud of mine who pulled me so I needn't have been so worried. The emo and I had breakfast with Noodles the next day and discussed the night in full. I was feeling like shit, but it was a sweet way to say goodbye.

I slept in the emo's arms and the next morning we got stoned, fucked and then headed off to the airport. I had to take stuff out of my suitcase in the airport and put loads of it on because I over-packed just a tad, but anyway, it was all worth it because one hell of a journey later I am HERE sitting in my very own flat (which I share with five messy boys) wondering how much things are going to change in the next five months, and how much I actually want them to... Life is fucking crazy, but I'm away from a lot of that right now, which feels amazing. Lots about Munich in my next blog - time to get ready!
Song of the day: Bullet For My Valentine - All These Things I Hate.
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