Right! So, what's new then?
Well, I'm officially employed in a proper, grown-up, 9-5 job. It's both terrifying and exhilirating in equal measures. I'm writing every day, I'm getting ridiculously good experience, I'm learning how to do marketing, which is something I'd never really considered doing but still! It's been great. I have to dress like a normal human being for it, i.e. take out my piercings, cover up my tattoos, wear blazers and...*shudder*...heels, but it's actually pretty good fun. It kind of feels like I'm playing a character. One of the lads who sits across from me (it's a very swanky office that I work in, unfortunately, or fortunately depending on what you're into) noticed I had a tattoo on my arm and has been very hurt ever since, seeing as, in his words he "used to be the office freak". The people I work with are really good fun, and very inspiring too, especially the main chick I deal with, who is so good at her job that I could sit there all day and simply watch her in awe. She is my inspiration! Anyway, it's been really good fun. It's challenging and scary, but great. I'm so happy to be making money again and to be doing something I enjoy, getting valuable life experience, writing every day...and just generally having a life. It's awesome!
In other news, I got my biggest tattoo yet about...eh...almost two months ago, at this stage. It's Ramona Flowers, one of my absolute favourite comic book characters, in one of her classic ass-kicking, tough girl stances, on my right lower leg (apparently also referred to as the calf, but it's not on the back of my leg, it's the side, and it creeps slightly onto my shin). It took four hours of intense pain (the most delicious kind), but it was also an excuse for some quality time with my girl Scoob and our shared, incredibly sexy tattoo artist. We ended up staying in the tattoo shop till way after closing, just having a laugh swapping stories. It's awesome to have finally found a great tattoo artist in Dublin. I was kind of losing hope there for a bit. Afterwards, I had to make my way ever so slowly to Noodles' house, seeing as I've been giving his adorable 18-year-old sister German grinds for the past month or so. I looked crazy, my leg was all bandaged up and I was limping about, but luckily his mother is used to this sort of shit with me.
I love getting tattooed. It's one of my favourite things to do in the whole world. I know a lot of people don't understand the desire to get pierced or tattooed, but I really, really love both. I don't consider myself to be hardcore or incredibly unique or alternative or anything of the sort. I'm just me.
I can't wait for my next tatt...but I'll probably want to get pierced again first seeing as it's quicker, and usually something I do on the spur of the moment. Last one I got was a scaffold, and it was (surprisingly) more painful than my nipple piercing. It was a bitch to heal, as most ear piercings are, but it looks AWESOME. My mother still hates how pierced and tattooed I am, but luckily, at 22, I really couldn't give a shit anymore.
Last weekend I took my adorable little sis to see her favourite band (and one of mine), Paramore, in the O2. I splurged on a suite for the two of us in the hotel across the road (one of the fanciest hotels I've ever been in) for the weekend, we queued outside in the rain for seven hours to get to the front, made friends with mad Brits, took on hipster pricks, watched dozens of kids pass out and get pulled out of the crowd by massive, burly security guards, didn't pee for twelve hours, ended up bruised and exhausted...but it was totally worth it. This was the third time I'd seen them, and they blew me away. I get a lot of shit for liking Paramore, but a quick chat with Scoob (she of the mad Green Day obsession) and I feel totally normal again! Hayley Williams is definitely one of my heroes... Here's a photo of her from the show that I did not take because my camera sucks.
I have almost ten Paramore tees at this stage...which would be kinda weird if Scoob didn't have 30 GD tees. Now I feel normal again! I love this band. I'm probably going to see them every time they come here. And abroad too. And at festivals. Yup. It was a great weekend all round though, and we left with some fantastic memories.
What else...
Oh yeah! I graduated the week before Paramore. It was pretty standard; long, boring ceremony with too many speeches, lots of fake questions about "what I'm doing with my life" from ex-classmates, ridiculously high shoes that the chicks wearing em could barely walk in...and my mother cried. Then we had a lovely dinner in my favourite Chinese restaurant, which included not just my mad family (minus my father of course) but my lovely boyfriend too! He did a pretty good job of impressing everybody (especially my cousin and sister) too, which was pretty awesome.
The following night was the grad ball. I had my perfect dress, awesome shoes, great hair and make-up, and some fucking KILLER accessories (namely a giant cross necklace and a spider ring that was almost as big). The night itself was a bit blah. The emo was bored as hell and less than impressed when one of my old hookups shamelessly hit on me in front of him (and texted me from across the room) but, all in all, it was a fun night. Saz had a great time, which was really cool because usually she gets a bit self-conscious in those kind of social situations. O looked beautiful as always, and we had some fun breaking it down on the dancefloor, which gave me some hope that the people who are supposed to be in my life will be... I suppose it was a great end to four years that I didn't think I was going to survive.
Oh! I also took my little sis to see the West End production of The Rocky Horror Show, which was fucking awesome. Dill came along and swept her off her feet with his perfect Chris O'Dowd impression (although he's still not her fave of my boys, but that's a pretty difficult feat). The show was AMAZING, easily the best musical I've seen on stage. Of course, "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" is one of my favourite films of all time, but seeing it live on stage was something else... It was incredible. I'd definitely go again. The company wasn't bad either!
So, all in all, life is pretty fucking good at the moment. I feel incredibly lucky to be working, and even when I feel exhausted at the end of the day, I force myself to take a step back and give myself a mental kick up the ass. I usually stick on "Starbucks" by A too, because I think it's the best "Fuck this, at least I'm working!" song. That probably sounded sad, but it's true. I'm making more money than I ever have in my life, which means I get to go out, go to shows, get tattooed and pierced, buy shitloads of drainpipes and band tees and, in some kind of pathetic effort to be somewhat girly, I've even bought some proper make-up and hair products. I got my hair done before grad and it felt very...odd. I hadn't had my hair done in a year, and thank fuck, it wasn't in as bad condition as I'd feared, which means soon it will be long and wavy and awesome! Oops that was pretty girly...
I should stop writing this now and get some translating done before I pass out... I did nothing but laze about with the emo, fuck, eat junk food, watch movies, Mega64 and "Veronica Mars" (yeah, we're a maaad couple) all weekend...but even so I'm absolutely exhausted! Must be getting old.
Song of the day: B.O.B feat Rivers Cuomo - Magic (he supported Paramore and he totally won me over).
Currently reading: Shooting the shit with Kevin Smith - Kevin Smith. Looooove him. His podcast with Jason Mewes, "Jay and Silent Bob Get Old" is awesome too. Has made me laugh and cry in equal measure.
Currently listening to: Lots of Paramore. Lots of Combichrist. Some pop, just because it's nice to mix it in every now and again.
Currently wearing: For work, conservative shit. For downtime, band tees, drainpipes, cons, scarves and hats, my leather jacket. Got some stuff ordered too that I'm very excited about.
Currently feasting my eyes on: Lenore - Noogies. I fucking love Lenore, I can't wait to get a Lenore tatt...or several. Also, Kristen Stewart, as always. I'm pretty obsessed with Hayley Williams at the moment (obviously). Her style really influences mine, so I like to check out what she's wearing all the time.
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