Okay, so, I turned 21 last Thursday. It wasn't really a big deal for me, but apparently it was to everybody else in my life. I was told by a woman in work to do something nice for my mother, so I had the lad I do nights with make up a huge hand-tied bunch of flowers for her (those are the bouquets with the water in the bottom) while I tried to put my feelings into words on one of those little cards. I ended up writing something along the lines of "Well done for surviving the past 21 years - here's to the next 21!!". Work on Wednesday night was really fun, too, because a few of them surprised me with a cake and a card. And then the night lad got me another cake and a giant Toblerone too! I was really touched by all of it, because I finally feel like I've made a place for myself there and I really don't want to leave... Anyway, I got home and hid the flowers in the porch until my mother fell asleep. I thought I'd been rumbled at one stage, but she swore the next day that she hadn't seen them.
I woke up excited on Thursday morning, my 21st birthday. I had made an appointment earlier in the week to get my second tattoo done that day, and the anticipation began building up as soon as I opened my eyes. I was horrified to find it was snowing again (jogging in the snow is not easy) but I brightened up when I opened my bedroom door and discovered presents, cards and a big 21st balloon! My brother and sister got me a new hairdryer, and my parents (well, my mother really) got me a weekend in London and a St. Christopher medal which is supposed to protect me when I go away. I'm not religious, but it was a sweet idea nonetheless. I managed to work out, shower and eat breakfast before the nerves really started to kick in. Noodles was a bit late for meeting up with me, too, because of the snow, which made it even worse. As soon as he arrived, he dragged me to the tattoo place, assuring me I'd be grand. It took twenty minutes and hurt like hell. A woman did it, and she wouldn't let Noodles squeeze my hand for fear of me moving and it being screwed up as a result. She discussed lunch plans with another bearded tattoo artist at one stage and I almost forgot about the excruciating pain for a moment. The tattoo is simple and cute, a red heart in a black star, and is in between my shoulder blades. It was only really meant to mark the day. It still hurts like hell, though, and my buds are getting quite sick of rubbing cream into it! Still, I love it, it was worth it, end of story.
All of my family came over for drinks that evening before I headed out with my parents and siblings for dinner. I was a bit tense because I was terrified that the snow would keep people from making it for drinks (and in the end Scooby didn't) but I had to hope for the best. We ate in Yamamori, which meant I had to explain the menu but nobody complained so it was grand. My mother and I went for cocktails afterwards. I took her to my favourite gay bar, and she didn't even notice it was one because we had a hugely emotional, drunken chat and got on better than we have in a long time. I tottered off to the bar once I'd put her on a bus. Noodles met me outside and informed me that not only was the emo waiting to surprise me, but Star was on her way also. I knew we were all in for a mad night, and the emo didn't cope with me and Star very well in the end... She tried really hard, but gave up and was just all over me instead. I didn't really mind. She turned up with a red rose for me and I was touched. She's not the kind to show emotion, so it was really sweet of her. Lots of people turned up in the end, too, and we got hammered and danced the night away so it was great fun!

We ended up in Frodo's that night after an arduous hike through the snow. Noodles and I fell. The emo did not. We were mad at him for it. Well, actually, Noodles was pissed off because of his behaviour earlier in the night. I was just annoyed due to drunkenness. The emo and I were freezing on the futon that night, but it was fun anyway. Noodles and I showered at his place on Friday morning, and then headed to town for lunch and dress shopping. I found one eventually, and he bought it for me as a birthday present. We headed back to mine, I changed, and we set off again to Frodo's for movies and food. Noodles had to leave early, so it was just Frodo, Stella, the emo and me watching V For Vendetta, which seems fairly random, but wasn't really. We had more blankets on the futon that time round. Stella fed us the next morning. Her and Frodo are my favourite couple of all time.
I squeezed a workout and a nap to In Rainbows in before I started getting ready on Saturday night. I felt slightly self-conscious in my dress, but I was feeling the Goth vibe and just went with it, blood red lipstick and all. I met up with Noodles and we did nagins before heading to the bar. This is my favourite photo of myself from the entire night, despite the fact I'm knacking it up in it:

Anyway, we headed to the bar and there were people there waiting for us with seats and mad presents! Let's see... Stella made me a box of chocolate skulls, Chris got me a Batman book starring me, Saz made me a card with her as Hayley Williams and me as Lauren Conrad, detailing our friendship so far, the emo did a fucking awesome pic for me, Scooby got me a 'Where's Dildo?' book and a brand new All Hope Is Gone Slipknot tee... It was madness! I was so happy! My friends are all so creative, too, which makes their presents even more thoughtful. We got hammered and danced the night away again. Star, the emo and Dylan were all there. I hooked up with all of them (Dylan for the first time) but the emo took me home, as per our previous agreement. Some spa was pissing me off on the bus and he told him off in his own dry, witty manner. I apparently ate half a block of cheese when we got back to mine, but I don't remember. I got my birthday sex anyway, so I was happy (although Frodo tried to get in there first).

We woke up late Sunday morning, and my mother kindly agreed to feed the emo. I bet him a tenner he couldn't wear my drainpipes to dinner. Not only did he wear them, they were fucking falling off him! (haha now everyone will know his shame!!!)

I was quite jealous. He convinced me to let him stay another night, so I made him watch Skins. He got quite into it in the end. It was a random couple of days. We talked so much, and yet, I could've gone on for another fucking week. I don't think I will ever tire of his company. He told me he loved me, too, and I desperately wanted to say it back but I couldn't get the words out. I guess my fear is still sort of holding me back. I know I'll just blurt it out some day at the worst time possible, but I think he understands me so I'm not too worried. I think if I were going to get serious with anyone, though, it'd be him... And now I'm going off on a tangent.
Happy fucking birthday to me! This is the happiest I've been in a really long time, and I could not ask for better friends, better family or a better life. I can't believe it's taken me so long to realise that I'm not who certain assholes think I am... Luckily, I have people around me to remind me every single fucking day. And I still look too young to be 21!!!
Here are two of my favourite people, who I haven't known that long but feel as if I've known forever. I love you both more than words could ever say. Team JIR forever!!

Song of the day: AC/DC - Back In Black (it made sense to me earlier).
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