So, as I've probably already mentioned about a hundred times, my parents got me a trip to London for my 21st, and Noodles, one of my closest friends, decided to accompany me (partly cos he'd never been, partly cos he was the only one who could afford it). We got up at 4AM to catch our flight, and a million things went wrong over the course of the trip, but we kept laughing and it was all totally fucking worth it in the end because we had the best weekend ever!! London is my favourite city in the world next to Dublin. It is the only other city I feel comfortable in, and the fashion and atmosphere are just unbelievable. Although I'm hoping Munich will live up to it, in a way I don't think it will because, truly, nowhere compares to London.
Anyway, we arrived early Friday morning and came face to face with our first problem; the hostel we'd booked was SHIT and in the dodgiest area possible. Remembering a helpful person in King's Cross station who put us up when we were stranded last summer, I rushed Noodles to the same place and we begged the (very helpful) woman there to help us find somewhere to sleep for two nights. Not only did she oblige, but for only thirty pounds more, she put us up in a four star hotel on Great Portland Street (fancy as fuck, in other words). We ended up with an en-suite bathroom, flat screen TV, double bed, security, a place to keep our stuff, huge wardrobe and heating. In other words, the exact opposite to what we would've had in the hostel. It really made the trip for us, and we went back to thank the woman in King's Cross as soon as we could.
The rest of our first day was spent in the London Dungeons, one of my favourite parts of any trip there. I've been five times in total, and I love it more each time I go. Of course, I overdid it in the gift shop buying pressies for the emo and Sweeney Todd themed shot glasses, but we got the funniest photos of us ever on the rides (Noodles even managed to give the thumbs-up to the camera!) and it was really good fun, as always. Unfortunately, I got quite ill as the day wore on, even dragging Noodles back to the hotel early from dinner because of it. We waited an hour or so until I sort of half recovered, and he convinced me to go out anyway. I was really glad I did in the end, because even though I was still fairly ill, we had the best night. We went to this amazing club in Camden called the Electric Ballroom. It was Friday night, so
Sin City was the theme, which is basically metal, punk, rock, etc on the first floor and old-school rock and metal on the second. I'd been before, but this time was more fun because there wasn't the bullshit of having to leave early (and the company was better, although I did miss Saz). The music was amazing and the hottest DJ EVER was there! Apparently a lot of people were trying to pull me, but I didn't notice any...

Now, on to Saturday. We slept late, and then excitedly prepared for another trip to Camden. We were lucky because our hotel was only two Tube stops from Camden, so it was insanely handy. Camden is my absolute favourite spot in London. I really feel at home there, which sounds like bullshit, but it's the truth. The atmosphere is indescribable. We shopped (well, I did while Noodles gave his honest opinion), had four quid chinese in the Lock (where we managed to sit down next to two lovely lads from Dungarven) and shopped some more! I don't even want to think about the amount of money I spent, but the clothes are fucking amazing and I wouldn't change it for the world! Oh, and of course we had to make a trip to possibly the coolest shop in the entire world:

That night, being that it was Valentine's after all, we had a fairly romantic dinner in a restaurant up the road from our hotel. The food was all homemade, reasonably priced and amazing. If I were a restaurant critic, I'd be able to put it better but I'm not so that will have to do! We decided to head out to the Electric Ballroom again, because on Saturday nights
Shake is the theme, which is 80s, 90s, pop, disco on the first floor and party hits on the second. We knew the crowd and atmosphere would be completely different to the night before, so we gave it a go. Oh, before I forget, the Ballroom bouncers are the soundest lads. They were sooo nice to us, considering we looked a bit mad and terribly young compared to everyone else. I bought a pink dress earlier in the day, on Noodles' advice, that's not really my style, but I kinda fell in love with it, and it's by one of my favourite labels, Criminal Damage (shit I spent a lot of money in that shop...), so I decided I couldn't really go wrong. It worked out perfectly, because I wore it that night to
Shake, with a denim mini underneath, fishnets and knee-length Cons. Everyone thought I was either pop-punk or 80s, which suited me down to the ground.

The night was amazingly fun, especially because it's not really our scene (although I love clubbing every now and again). We danced the night away to Wham!, The Human League, Britney Spears and everything in between. There were quite a few characters there, too, and we came up with names for all of them. Two in particular who spring to mind were the Hammond, a man so short and cute, but who pulled gorgeous girls all night long, and Momma's Boy, a boy of no more than 17, dressed in a too-big shirt his mother clearly picked up for him, who spent the night freaking people out by dancing at them. I got hit on a lot that night, which is the one thing I prefer about the rock scene - men aren't as forward, or sleazy for that matter. The bar staff at
Shake were the same as
Sin City, and knew our drink orders by heart by the end. We had a great laugh with them, especially because they got into the spirit almost as much as we did (despite being hardcore metalheads)! The drinks were crazy cheap, and we were fairly hammered both nights in fairness, plus the taxi back to the hotel was a measly four pounds each so we were sorted! We even talked the night guy into giving us a nightcap in the lobby when we arrived in at 4AM.

On Sunday, we unfortunately had to head back home. But, before we did that, we headed back to Camden one last time to have breakfast in my favourite cafe in all of London, which ended up lasting about two hours. It was delicious and really hit the spot. We somehow managed to drag our asses to Heathrow on time to catch our flight home. Once I arrived home, the emo turned up and I got to shower him with presents. He didn't leave until this afternoon, despite how exhausted I was. He sent me the most unconventional Valentine's card of all time, too, which I loved (but mine was still better!) because we both hate the holiday. Now that there are only twelve days left until I head off to Munich, he wants to see me as much as possible. The only problem with that is the amount of
other people demanding my time, including Star who he is not pleased I am seeing at all... Still, I have very little time left and I'm certainly not going to waste it being upset. Let my last days in Dublin begin! It's time for sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, and this is my absolute favourite photo from the London trip. It perfectly encapsulates how much fun we were having (or how drunk we were...hmm...).

Song of the day: Rammstein -