I really should've found time to blog before this. I'm so fucking lazy, it's unbelievable! I want to do a big, long post about some of my firsts of 2011, such as gig, film, CD, tatt, etc. But it'll take me a while to do and sadly now is not the time!
This may just be my shortest blog post ever...because I really don't have the time to be on here but I needed to get the ball rolling for the new year or else I never would.
Before I go, so far, 2011 is kicking some serious ass.
And here's a cool photo that's keeping me nicely distracted in work!
Currently listening to: Lots and lots of Versaemerge.
Currently reading: Just finished Moonlight Mile by possibly my favourite author (besides Bram Stoker), Dennis Lehane. Everything he writes is genius. Everything.
Currently feasting my eyes on: Pretty much anything DropDead....I'm seriously addicted. My wages are spent mostly on their site.
Currently excited for: Getting my tatt finished later on this afternoon!!
My Favorite Music of 2019
5 years ago